SOPHIA Residence

The rate for the Sophia Residency is $300 per weekend, from 7 p.m. on Friday evening to 3 pm. on Sunday afternoon. This includes lodging, all guided activities and all meals.

There are no closed rooms, but each person has a private area. Since bed linens and towels are not provided, please bring your own.

To reserve, please call 450-242-1559, or write to me via the contact form. Then send a cheque for $50 to Sylvia Berlin, at 991 Parmenter Road, Sutton QC J0E 2K0.


PHILIA Retreat (not available at the moment)

The rate for the PHILIA Retreat is $70 a day, all year round. It is higher if you would like me to provide accompaniment. The basic rate can also be adjusted for longer stays.

The retreat building has a bed on the upper floor, a stove, gas heating, solar panels and a dry toilet. A shower is available in the SOPHIA building. Since bath towels and bed linens are not provided, please bring your own. Lastly, PHILIA is far away from electromagnetic fields. Anyone suffering from electromagnetic hypersensitivity will benefit from it.

To reserve, please call 450-242-1559, or write to me via the contact form.